Hey all!First of all,Merry Christmas People!Had a wonderful Christmas this year?I sure did,despite all the 'hoo haa' going around, but I did had a memorable time with my family and friends.Here's a mini long post about my Christmas, I'll let the pictures do the talking...haha.lazy-nya!
Alright, I'm sure most of you got what you want for Christmas right?haha.So am I.I got something which really surprise me from my big brother,Jian.Gosh,this cheeky brother!Haha.This Christmas season, I spent most of the time------>NON STOP shopping!Haha.Had a great time shopping with the girls too.
Besides shopping, of course, Christmas parties and FOOOD!I think I gain alittle which is GOOD, don't want people keep calling me Ms.skinny or Ms.stick. =.=' I'm not that thin la,come On!Haha!
Well,my Christmas filled with carolers singing Christmas songs, people giving presents to one another, great delicious food down to the tummy, spending time with relatives and friends, one word - Awesome!
"JinYin & Friends!"
*inside joke*
Just want to Thank You ALL for the presents, I love ALL of it!They may be small and petite but its the thought that counts & from a sincere heart. =) Sorry if I didn't get a chance to thank you in person so here it is......
Thank You!
- Jmin Jian gor for the awesome SoniGear speakers,LOVE it in white!
- Wykit for the Chanel inspired handbag that I always wanted, LOVE it in white!
- Lauranne for Bamboo & Wykit for Bambi, LOVE them both so so MUCH!
- Ivy jimui for the precious Hard Rock Cafe pink tee all the way from Manila, its so COMFY!
- Wyman for the IKEA pillow that I always wanted, LOVE it in red than the green,so COMFY!
- Aunty JoN for the lovely black sweater, it fits me well!
- Mandy for the special present that I will never expected it,the pink Batman panty!Haha!
- Mei Li & Jen Ai for the lovely handmade Heart shape friendship ring!
- Jen Yin for the bottle that I always wanted,in fact I got you the same bottle!So ngam-Nya!
- Edward & Belinda for the cute pink voodoo doll handphone accessory!
- Tim jimui, Tom & Yeen Theng (ah sou) for the lovely bracelet & anklet,LOVE them in pink & white!
- Naomi for the pretty custom made bracelet and the handmade card filled with 'heart' words!
- Juliana for the pretty anklet (although you say its a bracelet,haha!)
I'm a happy girl!Got what I wanted for Christmas this year....=)... *hint hint*
Another year of Christmas had just passed.Time really flies huh?I really enjoy this year's Christmas though.I'm really blessed to have such lovely family and friends.Thank you all for being there for me when I'm in need.I LOVE ALL OF YOU!
Happy New Year!
Thanks for reading!